Thursday 7 November 2013


Sophie : At like (3) on the (1) um (5) oh, I gotta check now (3) um (2) left slub (1) left hand side of the paper.
Jade: Yeah.
Sophie: Quite big (1) like right in the middle
Jade: Yeah
Sophie: But like right(^) towards the edge
Jade: Um (1)/ sure
Sophie: Draw a zed shape
Jade: a (^) zed?
Sophie: (1) a zed shape
Jade: Middle left?
Sophie: Y::::::eah.
Jade: Ok.

- In this conversation it is shown quite clearly that Jade often questions what Sophie is saying, but she often used words such as "Yeah" and "Ok" to show a clear message of understanding and encouragment. Sophie often uses fillers when not sure of what to say.

In the conversation between Jade and Sophie, they communicate well with eachother. You can tell by their constant checking and reassurance of the conversation that they have a clear undertsanding of each other and aren't afraid to double check answers to make sure that they have got it right. You can see from both of their dialect that they are comfortable with each other and use quite an informal and intimate register.